Hip, Hip, Horray Bloggers! It's Friday! Yipee! I'm am excited today not just because it's the end of my work week but because all things beautiful has almost met the goal of 175 followers! Thank you so much to all the followers who support my blog and check in from time to time to see what I'm up to in the crafting world.
Now a little sad news...when you become a follower please remember to shoot me an email or comment in a post (even if you are an email follower-no email will be shared) letting me know your name and blog address so I can add your name and blog to my Feature Friday post. I've had several followers that did not contact me and I couldn't find their blogs and that makes me so sad because we all need inspiration and I love sharing the craftiness of my followers with you all.
ok, ok enough of that...
It's Friday and that means I'm sending
"Shout Outs" to all this week's new followers so let's give a BIG howdy to
Maragaret @ Christian Chick Crafts
Granmargaret @ Granmargaraets Cards n' Stuff
Sammibug@ Sammibug's Scrapshack
Granmargaret @ Granmargaraets Cards n' Stuff
These are my Feature Favs for this week!
This card was done using a stencil.
I haven't tried stenciling yet but this card definately begs I give it a try. Love it!

I love all the little design embellishments!
There's so many goodies on this card that catch the eye.
Make sure to visit the blogs of these crafters and find out what wonderful projects they are creating! You can find all my Feature Favs under the Friday Fav tab above.
I hope you've enjoyed viewing the wonderful craft projects by followers of all things beautiful. Thank you for joining me and make sure to find time this weekend to create something beautiful!
If your visiting please consider following me. When you become a follower I'll send you a shout out on my next Feature Friday post and link your blog so others can visit you too. You'll then be entered in my BLOG CANDY drawing. Check it out here!
( Unfortunately, there are some who have not posted in the comments or sent me the link to their blog in an email. I will not be hunting for your blog so if you don't post your blog address in a comment or email it to me I won't be able to link it up)
Have a HAPPY FRIDAY and go make something beautiful...
Thank you for adding my blog today and thank you for your comments on my blog.
Thank you for featuring me in your feature friday! Love your blog!
Beautiful featured creations. Thanks for taking the time to share your fellow crafty friends' creations and blogs.
{Doing Life – my personal blog}
Amy thank you for featuring my card on your blog today!! I really appreciate it!
Amy, thank you so much for featuring my card on your blog today! It made me so excited when I got your message that you did that! You are just so sweet to share the love. I am truly honored by this. Hope you have a great day!
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