
Friday, March 7, 2014

Feature Friday 3/7/2014

Hello All! I can't believe how fast the week flew by!
Wow all things beautiful reached 100 followers and more this week! Yeah, blog candy time!...but not just yet, I will be drawing the winner of the blog candy on March 31st and posting it on April 2nd. So if you are just visiting you still have a chance to be the winner!

Now onto friday stuff...and that means I'll be sending 
"Shout Outs" to all the new followers of all things beautiful and....
featuring work by some of my blog followers!

So first things first, welcome and thank you to some new followers of all things beautiful.

Carmen @ Carmen's Creations

(D was #100, go D!)

Everyone, please go visit the fabulous work by our newest friends.

Now onto my Friday Feature Blogger Favs for this week...
This card just made say aaahhhh. 
I love how she inked the clouds and added the buttons for demension.

I love the crisp look of this diecut and definately go check out her post.
I love what she did to decorate the inside of her card!

Have a fabulous weekend and try to fit in some crafty time...

Don't forget if your not a follower there's still time to join the fun and be entered into my 100 follower blog candy drawing. Just send me a quick email with your blog address and I'll showcase it in next weeks Feature Friday post.

Now it's your turn.....make sure to create something beautiful!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for showcasing my blog.
    I was so excited when I got to 100 followers it just made me smile to be your 100th.
    Thanks for sharing the links.
    Crafty hugs,


I would love to hear your thoughts on my work so feel free to speak your mind and be specific. In fact, I love it! Thank you so much for commenting and have a wonderful day!